What`s Happening at Tactical Martial Arts
Happy Monday Everyone! We hope you all had a great weekend, here is the list of events we have coming up over the month.
We will be holding open enrollment for new members until May 7th, call and schedule your first class today!
Judging Clinic :
We need all available Black Belts to plan to be here at the school on Saturday, April 9th at 1PM. They will be going over new tournament rules and regulations and we need our Black Belts to be ready for The Global Celebration in July as well as our tournament in October.
Jahng Bahng Seminar : Saturday, April 9th 2PM-4PM
Registration has closed and we are SUPER excited for this seminar! We will look at having another one later in the summer!
Black Belt Midterms April 16th at 12:15PM:
Please see your instructor to see if you are eligible to midterm. If you are, please fill out your testing sheet ASAP and get it handed back into the front desk.
Stunt Seminar April 23rd 2PM-5PM
Registration is open for Stunt Camp. This will be another “Intro To Fight Choreography”
Cost is $49.00 per person and we will limited the number of participants to 20.
Please sign up at the front desk. This is open to everyone ages 8 & up. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A CURRENT MEMBER TO ATTEND
Color Sheet Pledges Needed In By April 15th
Please be sure to get your children’s sheets handed back into the desk no later than April 15th. We will be working on planning the coloring night event soon!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!