Tactical Martial Arts - Teaching Martial Arts Everywhere

What`s Happening at Tactical Martial Arts

Whats Happening at Tactical Martial Arts


Good After noon all,


We hope you all had a great weekend, here is the upcoming events we have over the next few weeks!


This is the last week of open enrollment for this testing cycle. So if you are wanting to start classes, it will need to be this week. Our next open enrollment period will begin September 27th.


We will hold our drawing tomorrow! This is  for the GTMA Global shirt signed by ALL Chief Masters that tested for their 9th degree.


Friday, September 3rd– Monday September 6th : CLOSED FOR LABOR DAY


Our next Taekwondo testing will be Saturday, September 25th : NO TAEKWONDO CLASSES ON THIS DAY!

Shadow Dragons 9AM

White, Orange & Yellow Belts 10AM

Camo- Red Belts 11AM

Rec. Black Belts & Black Belts 12PM


Our next Krav Maga testing will be Thursday, September 30th for ALL RANKS! There are no Krav Maga classes on this day, only testing! Testing will take place during regular class time.


As always, please let us know if you have any questions!


